Sunday, January 30, 2011

First day of work jitters...

Dear Big Sis,

I am lying in bed, and Chopper is doing her best to annoy the ever loving fuck out of me. Probably because I forgot to feed her dinner, but you know what? She can wait. Do you know what she did today, while I was in San Marcos visiting S? She snuck out of my room, walked down the hall to the laundry room, went inside, and took a big old poop on my CLEAN laundry in its basket. I had been procrastinating bringing it all back to my room to fold and put away, and yet she still managed to make them disgusting.

Ok, that said- tomorrow is my first day of work. You know this, but for posterity I will explain my new position. Wait, first- I want to say- holy freaking god, I got a job! This is amazing, and incredibly surreal, and nervewracking, and relieving. Relieving because I can stop job hunting (bane of my existent, no joke), and because I can start paying rent and my bills. You know, the little things.

So back to the new job description. I will be working as a publishing assistant for a local publisher of erotic romance novels. Yep. That's my job. I'm still working out exactly what it is I will be doing (so far I know I will be uploading the books to the website, where people can purchase them as e-books, and updating their homepage to reflect new additions), but I guess that is what training is for. I do hope that they have an efficient training system, because jobs that don't show you how to do things correctly tend to suck. I have faith though; the two women who interviewed me seemed really competent, and spoke often of open communication being a priority. This is something I can get behind.

So yeah, first day of work. The hours are great; I am working between 9 and 4. That's 35 hours of work a week, with I assume a one-hour lunch break. Even better, my job is literally a 5 minute walk from the house, if I'm going at a leisurely pace. I don't need to drive, I don't even need to learn how to ride a bike. Being able to make money while saving gas and wear & tear on my car blows my mind. There are a lot of perks to this job, and I just hope I don't fuck it up, not that I expect to. I expect I'm going to do an amazing job, honestly.

The other lingering though is this- I am now, starting tomorrow, beginning my first "adult" job. Took me until 25 to get to it, but whatever, some people move at different paces. I'm really excited, but nostalgic and perhaps hesitant. I think this is a great place to start. The position is hourly, and not the highest pay in the world, so I don't feel like I'm being thrown into something where I'm going to flounder.

I need to go pass out (5:30am yoga before work! ahh!), but I just want to remind myself, and you, and whoever passes by this little conversation between us, that I am really fucking smart, and capable, and have awesome people skills and intuition, and I will be adaptive to whatever the position calls of me. And I love talking about penises and vaginas, so that's always a perk.


Little Sis

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