Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Dear Little Sis:

Let me begin by saying, it's 1 am and I'm still awake (this is starting to sound like a Taylor Swift tune), and I have to be up early just in case my job calls to inform me that my background check finally came through and I'm cleared to start work.  My data entry job.  Woooot.  So, let's talk about...the oil spill in the Gulf.  No, just kidding.  I have nothing to say about that, except to mirror the Facebook sentiment that it should be plugged with Sarah Palin (aaaand the conservatives click on to another blog.  Good, they're gone.) 

What I really do want to talk about is men.  I don't know exactly what to say, Sis, but I want to talk about my vet who calls his technicians "the girls," or the construction workers who used to whistle at me before I got fat, or the way any number of guys have a)paused our conversations to explain simple concepts at to me and b)tried to forcefully win arguments by intimidating me.  Men reading this, I don't hate you.  I don't want to vaporize the lot of you.  I just wish all of you could acknowledge your privilege and power!  But Sis, would it even help?  Would knowing their role in society, the social constructions that have led them to be so...patriarchal, even make a difference?  I know I have more privilege than many racial minorities, but it doesn't stop me from referring to white people as "we" when I teach a class, as if everyone in the room were white, like we were all members of an elite club.

I know I'm basically rehashing stale sociological commentary, but I'm just a layperson with a bone to pick, and it seemed like a good place to jump in.  Sis, if you want to enlighten me and the readers, that would be coo'.  Throw in some words like hegemonic and anomie and institutional racism and we're good to go.


Big Sister

PS--Have any stupid/funny pics to share?  I've got one:



  1. men often think women are dumber, for sure. they call us baby and girl and yadda yadda. but! it's actually an avenue by which the boys can be exploited themselves. being female is a weapon. sure, you want to be on an even keel..... but i don't mind being underestimated generally, as i am aware of my own worth. if the person who is underestimating me is a person of power whom i need to impress, and he's the type to be a shit because i'm a woman... well.... machiavelli and ends and means and whatnot. a twirl of the hair and a giggle and the deal is signed? that's easy.

  2. That's a really interesting point you bring up. using our oppressed role to manipulate the ones in power. in other words, behaving in an exemplary way according to the patriarchy's standards, and by doing so succeeding in whatever the goal is. I used to do that in high school: wear low-cut, tight shirts that showed off my awesome boobs, and get all up in my male teachers' faces. Got away with murder. But now I feel like it's not a good way to go about it. If you're only winning what you want because you're behaving properly, then to me, you're not really winning at all. To truly win would be to behave in whatever way you choose, much like men can do, and still reach your goal. I'm wondering what Little Sis thinks about this...

  3. but men can't. men notice men, and some men consider other men to be odd. if you're too dorky, too straight-laced, too tattooed, too conservative, etc... it's in the eye of the beholder. men have to be savvy and play to their superiors, too. the rules are just different (and are extremely variable) - and they don't have the boob option should they care to try it.... life is hard, male or female, it's all about your perspective + how well you can play whatever game will get you wherever you want to be. you get to change the rules when you climb the highest + are on top, right?
